Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Give Us Free! (In Cinque's (Djimon Hounsou) voice from the movie Amistad)

No living being appreciates being caged up, and a bear at the Minnesota Zoo proved this yesterday when it picked up a big rock with both paws and repeatedly slammed it against the glass until it shattered.  The bear probably caught a glimpse of “Planet of the Apes” on some kid’s iPhone and decided to gain its freedom.  Maybe the bear thought to itself, “If one more beady-eyed human walks past my cage, I’m gonna grind their bones into dust!”  

Thank God it was a five pane glass barrier!  The glass stayed in place to the bear’s supreme disappointment.  No aminal or human was harmed.  Potential bear weapons are supposed to be in a secured place.  A representative from the zoo said they’ll have to make sure everything is anchored down correctly. The bears were pulled out of the open air exhibit that will remain closed to the public until repairs are made.

To learn more about Violette, visit www.violettemeier.com

Source: startribune.com 

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